September 02, 2013

The problem with exes

Whoa! So I've been here for a day and I'm already being dragged into some drama. Did I mention that one of the reasons I moved in is because my roommate's girlfriend broke up with him and he was in need of a roomie? Well that's part of how I ended up in this particular house. The kicker, however, is she still lives here. We've chatted a little bit and she seems nice enough to me. I don't know their history and I'm not all that interested. She says this, he says that, and I want no part in it. They are both nice to me but when it comes down to it, he's my roommate and she's supposed to be moving out. I'm not taking sides, but he's the one I'm going to be living with, you know?

Anyway, he and I were talking yesterday about having a cookout since neither of us had plans. He was going to invite his friends and told me to do the same if I wanted. Of course, we all know I have no friends here except an ex I can't seem to let go of and a nosy, gossipy twin I'm trying to let go off so I told him I probably wouldn't be bringing anyone. Then today he told me we were just going to go over to his brother's house instead. Okay, sounds good to me. No cleaning up!

So that's what we did. He texted me the address while I was out shopping and I headed over there. I met his friends and we all had a good time. I'm really glad he invited me. I feel like we really are going to get along and I bet I could get him to go out and do things with me (I told him I was going kayaking in a couple weeks and he seemed really stoked about it).

Anyway, I returned to the house sooner then he did and hung out in the living room with his ex and her kid for a while. I told them I went to a cookout then did some Labor Day shopping. I specifically didn't tell her I went to a cookout with Billy because I wasn't sure if he had invited her or how she would feel about it and I definitely didn't want to be in the middle of their drama. Only, when he came home he stopped by my room to make sure I had a good time...And now she's pissed because he didn't invited her. Which means she knows I went and didn't bother telling her I was going. Great.

I don't have anything against her. I don't know her. But my thing is I know exactly what it's like to live with an ex. It sucks. It's impossible. They need to cut that string with the sharpest pair of scissors they can find. Supposedly there's no bad blood between them, but I'm seeing a lot of rot here. They've already been broken up for a month and need to separate. Maybe they can be friends, but right now they have no business living in the same house. Needless to say, though I like her, I"m ready for her to move out already so I don't feel like I have to walk on eggshells around them together. I was hoping she would be gone before I got here.

Oh well. Whatever. Not my mess. I'm just thankful for cheaper rent.

scullerymaid at 9:31 p.m.

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