July 29, 2012

All nerves and pride

I just wanted to update on my career decisions for a moment. I called out of work Saturday morning. I didn't quite. Not yet. I thought it would be better to call out and think things over after I've calmed down then to just quit. I don't work again until Wednesday anyway. Maybe. Schedule doesn't go up until Tuesday night. But I still want to quit. That's a chapter that should've closed when I moved here to Norfolk and being there depresses me. It's not just "new" girl syndrome either. I did fine last year when I worked a couple new jobs. No, this is bigger. I made the first steps to actually doing something more productive with my life by submitting my substitute application. It may not be something I'm seriously interested in, but maybe doing it will change my mind. What's wrong with being a teacher. Plus, I'm submitting that application to three different districts. I'm betting everything that I can get a job as a sub. I have the background for it. And Spanish teachers are supposedly in demand around these parts. It's not a forever job. It's an escape Panera job. No more feeling pushed around and unappreciated. No more standing on my feet all day long in the worst kind of kitchen heat.

kids can't be that bad, can they? I don't doubt that some of those little buggers will try my patience, but how bad can it be?

If I'm going to quit, I need to call today or tomorrow and do it. I'll be spending my time working up the courage to give up my current income, however small, and pray that my application is accepted.

scullerymaid at 4:38 p.m.

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