July 30, 2012


Tj's aunts are coming down from Pennsylvania on Wednesday. For some reason, I'm ridiculously excited. It might have to do with the fact that we are having an oyster dinner that night. I haven't met an oyster I like yet, but I think my mind might be changed on Wednesday. Then Thursday we are getting hibachi. Basically, it's going to be a few days of feasting (and then I'm hosting a steak-off on Friday). Yup, super excited. I'm thinking about ripping up my garden before they get here since it's just filled with nasty weeds and is all shriveled up. My garden project this year was mostly a fail, but at least my little box garden is thriving. I have a nice bunch of basil, mint, chives, and a couple carrots.

Maybe I'll do some sort of fall garden and start from scratch. What grows in the winder? Beets? Ha, I have no idea!

I didn't quit my job today. I spent my afternoon at the library printing off applications and then filling them out. Needless to say, I lost track of time and have no choice but to call tomorrow. I doubt the schedule's up anyway. They are slow about it. (Watch, it'll already be up now that I don't want to be on it).

As far as my applications go, they are all filled out and ready to be delivered. I just need to get my transcripts from CNU, get my TB screening (I'm aiming for Wednesday), and take an orientation class (and scrounge up 50 bucks!).

All is going to be good. I'm actually getting a little excited.

I also go Moby Dick from the library and am going to try and read it. Why? It seemed like a good idea when I passed it on the shelf.

scullerymaid at 7:31 p.m.

pots | pans