April 24, 2012


Math just really irks me. I know she's one of my best friends and I really do love her truly and dearly, but some of the shit she does just pisses me off. Granted, I'm still miffed about the whole she-had-her-hands-all-over-my-bf thing. Can I just say that being on an eternal period does not put me in a forgiving mood. Sure, I can grudge sometimes but at the moment I think I might be trying to break my personal best. Anyway, I just don't appreciate the way she handles people. It's like life is just a big joke and she treats everything like a party as if there are no consequences for her actions. And then when she gets called out on her behavior, she twists everything around with her words until nothing makes sense at all and you just don't feel like doing it anymore.

For someone that is supposedly so in love with her boyfriend, she sure does keep close connections with her former flings, even the ones that were just fuck buddies. Usually, stuff like that doesn't matter. If she wants to keep her fwb close just in case she and the British guy she's going to one day marry doesn't work out, that's fine with me. Who am I to judge. I think my disgruntlement boils down to the fact that her superficial claws were too close to my guy this time.

But honestly, I think I'm just being hormonal. Poor TJ. I'm so sorry he has to deal with it all the time. Sometimes, I'm surprised he doesn't just drop me. But then he would starve, hahahaha

scullerymaid at 3:57 p.m.

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