January 16, 2012

One bedroom

I've decided to buy a sewing machine. Just when, I'm not sure, but I would like to get one. We'll see how long my creative juices flow.

Today dad told me that we are moving the first of february. To a one bedroom apartment in our complex on the second floor. I suppose this is a good thing. I'll save about $100 a month, wich would be a warm welcome. I guess he decided to do this that way when I do finally move out he'll already be settled in. He prefers sleeping on the couch as opposed to his room anyway. No sense in spending extra money for a wasted room.

Today TJ told me I should move in again. He's so confusing. One minute it's move in, the next he's hesitant, then he's all for it again. There's a part of me that remains hesitant, questioning myself constantly. But free rent is awfully tempting for someone like me. He said the only way I'd need contribute is to buy groceries, and I assume do a little cooking. I already clean and do yardwork. It sounds like I'm getting the better part of this bargain. The only thing I need do is say yes.

I hope I make the best decision. Some people think it's a good idea, others no. I thought it a bad idea myself until it was threatened to be taken away from me.

I guess we'll see, won't we? Either way, I have serious packing to do!

scullerymaid at 3:59 p.m.

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