November 28, 2010

Why is it that I always chant to myself in threes?

Quick note- I love happy dance moments. Like the one I'm having now. Depression? What's that? Daunting schoolwork? Not a problem.

I knew the message would be in my email. I'd been expecting it all break, which is exactly why I decided not to open my inbox. But as the last week of school draws closer (the last week being this week!), I decided it was only practical, not to mention responsible, to check it. Bite the bullet, right? So just now that's what I did. I clicked into my email, saw my senior seminar professor's name in the left hand column, and cringed. Reluctantly, I opened the message and took 30 second breathers while reading. My entire body was tense, waiting for him to say that I was a failure, my paper was a failure, and I hadn't learned a single thing about research papers in the past four years- which meant I was clearly meant to work at Panera for the rest of my life and suffer such a horror.

Of course, I was thinking all this, working myself up into a fit, and pausing in my reading and it was only the introduction of the email- probably the same introduction he sent to my fellow students about what makes a research paper strong, etc, etc, etc. Following this paragraph was a new paragraph that began with my name. Here's where I should have saved my cringing for! I was tempted to click out and continue fb stalking and reading my favorite blogs. But that was just crazy. So I read on...and instead of the harsh criticism I was expecting (I mean my paper wasn't anywhere near finished and I hadn't even brushed on my main point in the 8, ahem, 7.5 pages I had written), it turns out my professor actually liked my paper. That's right! He likes it, which meant at least in this class I was on the right track. I wasn't going to fail. Sure, I need to incorporate more sources, but I already knew that. and visual representations of my paper would help with the presentation. I can work with that. As long as I don't have to start from square one.

So I think it is in my right to do a happy dance. Maybe my Spanish paper was shit, but at least this one was good- and I wrote it in one afternoon!

Happy dance happy dance happy dance

scullerymaid at 2:13 a.m.

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