November 21, 2010

Pop the champagne!

Well, yesterday was our annual Thanksgiving shindig and it turned out great. I traded jager for wine, but that's only because the girls decided to pop the bottle before we even began cooking. That was totally fine in my book. We couldn't fry the turkey though, because it was too big. And then it took up the whole oven and people couldn't put their own things in. So about an hour before dinner, we grabbed some dishes and took them over to my place to finish cooking. I was real nervous about the bird though. I hadn't cooked a turkey in two years and I couldn't decide was kind of flavoring I wanted to go for. I thought about Cajun, something real spicy. But in the end my nerves convinced me to go more taditional. With the help of some champagne, it turned out real juicy, too. It was so funny because there I was in the kitchen trying to carve the thing, and SB and Snortgiggles were eating it as fast as I was plating it. Finally the guys came in and caught us and we had to really get down to business because they were hungry.

I also made maccaroni, which wasn't too bad, and tried my hand at fried apples for the first time. I loved the apples. They were a nice southern touch if I do say so myself. I swear this was the biggest spread we've ever had. We just went all out and kept cooking. Escept for Artist, which had kinda turned into a controversial subject around the house. I'm going to try my best and stay out of it. But yes, there was lots and lots of food. It made me realize how much I really do want a large family and how much I want to host family get togethers when I'm older and settled. I just love the dinner table. I love cooking, as much as I doubt my skill, and bring people together to eat good food. I think it's my favorite thing in the world.

To my relife, Halloween guy wasn't there. I'm the most nervous around him because I'm the most attracted to him, and though I was a little disappointed he didn't come, his absense allowed me to relax. Roommate guy did come, but our interations were kept to minimal aside from him trying to snap pictured of me. I refuse to just send him one, so hie promised me he would get ten at the dinner. I'm pretty sure he did, but I doubt any of them were good since I tired to turn at every shot. On the other hand, I had far too many encounters with Jereny.

The boy would not leave me alone. We kept meeting in the kitchen and then we ended up sitting next to each other on the couch. He kept touching me, trying to fondle me because he's positive he knows where my hotspots are (and let's be honest, he probably has a pretty good idea). I can't say I was complaining the whole time, but like I've said- nothing is ever going to happen between us. When he tried to kiss me, I confirmed that fact to myself. I love hanging out with Jeremy, I really do. But I could never date him. He's too obnoxious for that, talks too much for my liking, and I don't appreciated the relationship he has with Snortgiggles. I would always have to share him with her, and I don't share. I really can't imagine kissing him...

But that's neither here nor there. It was a great night filled with friendship, both old and new and I'm so glad I was able to be there. The way things were going, I didn't think I would be part of these gatherings anymore, but I had more part in in that Artist. I may talk big talk about how I don't need my friends, but I do love them dearly and leaving broke my heart. Even now when I visit them, I can't help taking peeks at my room and wondering what if?

Anyway, despite these good things, I've been a horrible student. That Spanish paper I was working on? Turned it in late and I only made it to six ages, and that's not even six complete pages. It's shitty work, but I find it harder and harder to care. I'm done. I'm just done with Spanish. Anthropology is taking over my interest and senior sem is taking over my time. I just can't muster the effort to give a fuck.

Oh well. At this point as long as I can gradute with a 3.0 (though I would prefer a 3.2/3.3) I will be happy. And the only reason I care about that is because one day I would like to go to grad school- one day that will not be next fall. I need to figure out what I plan on doing for the next year before I try my hand at applications. I half want to stay in school and get my double bachelors. But at the rate I'm going, I would fail all my classes due to sheer laziness. It's time to step out of undergrad.

scullerymaid at 12:44 p.m.

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