August 17, 2012

We're just going to leave it

My aunt is driving me crazy. Apparently my mom is no longer living with her. Because of my brother's situation she's staying with my Granny to be closer to him I guess. Anyway, she left all her shit at my aunt's house and now my aunt is ringing up my phone to bring it all over HERE. Um, excuse me! That's not my stuff, this is not my house to be filling up with other people's stuff, and I have nothing to do with any of it so I don't know why I need to be involved. My mom told me she told them to put it in their shed until she can come get it, but my cousin keeps sending me messages on facebook about how they are going to put it on my back porch. What. The. Fuck.

I'm really kinda pissed. If I lived in Newport News still would they be so adamant about bringing it over? It's not even that I really mind, but this isn't my house. It's my boyfriend's house and he doesn't really want to get involved either.

I don't see why they don't stick it in their shed. After my mom lived with them and bought their groceries and babysat and took care of Chuck for all those months, why are they so quick to dump everything on me. Plus, we don't have the room for it anyway. The garage is full and we live in a tiny house. Tiny!


You know, they've said they were already over twice but no one was home. If I haven't answered my phone and I haven't been home, you would think that would send a message. I hate stupid people. But I know if I call them they are going to convince me to take the stuff. They're going to pull the guilt card with Chuck being so sick. Maybe tonight TJ and I should hangout at Thomas'...

scullerymaid at 11:34 a.m.

pots | pans