July 25, 2013

Mini summer holiday

So, I spent last weekend in Atlantic City! I needed to get away. Away from this place. Away from these people. Between my friends spreading false gossip about me and a string of lovers leaving me disappointed instead of satisfied, the itch to disappear into the world just became too strong. So I left. Of course, there was some planning. Since it happened to be the weekend right after TJ's birthday, I asked him if he wanted to make a trip. Atlantic City would not have been my first choice, but it was far enough away that I didn't mind. Plus I'd never been before. So we booked out hotel, made work arrangements, and before you knew it Thursday had arrived and it was time to begin our long drive. We didn't take the interstate. Instead we travelled down country roads, taking the back way across the Eastern Shore through little towns. I don't think I've ever seen so many corn fields in my life and I consider myself to be a country girl.

The drive itself wasn't as bad as I had imagined. Five hours in a little cavalier isn't exactly my idea of fun, especially since TJ tends to be so closed-lip. So he drove and I rambled until I felt like he wasn't listening. Then I would take in my surroundings. We drive across Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey stopping only once at a rest area (where we firt noticed the psychic). I also now pride myself as a navigator! We did get lost once, but to be fair that was due to a detour. Other than that, I kept us on course all weekend. I definitely learned that I would rather read a real map in my hands any day over GPS. I hate GPS! For the most part it takes you all over the place when the solution was as easy as going straight through. Next time I'll remember to bring my map!

I'm sure Atlantic City might be impressive to some people, but as someone that lives on a beach it was just another beach along the Atlatic. It just so happened to have casinos. Since I'm a pauper at best, I only allowed myself $20 to gamble away. If I'm going to spend money, I'd much rather spend it on a good meal or a good experience- not on the slot machines. But it was my first time at a real casino and I must say the whole expereince was a little overwhelming. There's just so much going on everywhere. Lights, players, servers! I did enjoy watching TJ play Black Jack. If ever I go to a casino again, that will be my game. But I'm really not much of gambler.

After the casino, we did try to go to the beach but parking was atrocious so we enjoyed our hotel's pool instead. It's funny. I spen tmy whole time in the pool swimming laps and it was so refreshing, yet I never make such use of the pool at my apartment complex. Where's the logic in that? Later that day I went for a nice walk exploring the area until it was time for dinner. I've recently become obsessed with sushi. Tuna rolls with a sliver of pickled ginger and just a hint of soy? Delightful! I'd never been a fan of sushi before. It had always been a texture thing. But I've trained myself not to think so negatively of it. Instead of focusing on the raw part, I now focus on the fresh part and it is just so wonderful. I never thought I would like it so much, but I've already gone out for sushi five times in two weeks time. Good thing tuna rolls are relatively cheap for a meal out.

The next day we had no plans and didn't want to fight the beach parking again, so I pulled out a flyer for a winery not too far away doing a wine tasting. I had hoped to do an actual tour, but since they were having a so-called "festival" the tasting was all we got. But I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was probably my favorite part of the trip. We bought a bottle of blackberry wine (which was divine) and a bottle of cranberry wine (which was magnificently tart) and took them back to the hotel to enjoy.

We drove back on Sunday. My only request was to stop in Delaware to visit the psychic since her readings were only 10 bucks and rates here are near about 40. It had been four years since my first reading and I'd been meaning to compare it, see what had changed and what was the same. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't leave a little freaked out. Her words have been on my mind since we left. TJ seemed to have a similar reaction. I still don't know if I'm a believer or not, but she left me with quite a bit to contemplate. It was a good end to a good trip. And TJ and I only fought once outside of our usual bickering. I'd travel with him again if the opportunity came up.

Also, I didn't mourn the break with the redhead like I thought I would. Perhaps I've dated too many man casually to really care about these things anymore. I am disappointed I suppose. But it's not the man I miss, it's the idea. I was looking forward to developing a relationship, getting to know someone and letting them get to know me. Isn't that the way of it though? I've always liked the idea of the person better than the actual person. Hopefully one day it'll be the person that strikes me. His blue eyes creeped me out anyway.

So yes, I'd say that my last week has been pretty well. I can't say things are going as great with my friends, but I've mostly been ignoring them since they like to brush aside my feelings. I'm tired of the gossip. I'm tired of the she said she saids. These are the times when I really miss Popeguy, SB, and Snortgiggles. As much as I love the twins, when you take the two of them out of the picture there always seems to be less drama. It's oaky though. One day I'll move back to Richmond to be closer to them. I just need to get my ducks in a row. And stop dating. If it wasn't for my love life, I would probably be in Richmond this very moment. But I don't regret meeting TJ. You know, somehow out of this break up we've developed an interesting friendship. That doesn't mean I'm ready to see him with someone else, but with the crap I'm constantly dealing with over Math, it's really nice to have someone here that listens to me when I talk. Unless we're on a five hour drive haha.

I'm already excited to plan another trip. Don't know when that will happen, but I can't wait for it. Also, Saturday I'm going to look at house. Have I mentioned it. My dad knows a girl who has a brother that lives in my area and is looking for a roommate in his house. His price is really good and he doesn't want a deposit for Pacha. Still leaves the trouble of breaking my lease since I don't have $1800 laying around. But I'm hopeful. This would save me so much money. And I hear my new roommate is quite the looker. Not that I'm really thinking about that. I just hope our personalities click so I can have someone else to hang out with around here. I really miss having my best friend...but Popeguy and I are supposed to have a SKYPE date tonight so all is well in the world I guess. And who knows, maybe Peace and I will rekindle our friendship, with emphasis on the friend part!

Sorry for the typos. I'm at work.

scullerymaid at 5:18 p.m.

pots | pans