August 14, 2012

J medicine

Last week when I started my exercises, I was completely sore after the first day. This week I don't feel anything so I might go ahead and bump it up to twice a day.

Last week I was also feeling really low. I'm praying this week isn't a repeat of those feelings. Stupid boyfriend. Our biggest problem is he's so afraid of intimacy he pushes me away. Then I get crabby because he's the one that convinced me into this relationship in the first place. Now I'm committed. What is he? There are little moments where he makes me feel like the happiest person in the world. And then he takes that moment away just as quickly. I know for the most part he doesn't mean it. He just doesn't know how to handle being with someone so he keeps pushing.

Bleh. I also felt like I was trying to eat us out of house and home yesterday and the day before. Then last night my period arrived. That explains a lot of things.

scullerymaid at 10:12 a.m.

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