June 08, 2012


Ugh, my future new manager wants me to call back Sunday...which means I'm going to miss my chance to be on the next schedule. Ah well. On a positive note, I've been cooking my little hiney off! In two weeks, I've put 10 recipes on my food blog. Not too shabby if I say so myself. Last night I made a wonderful Chinese Roast Chicken, inspired by this guy. I altered it a tad and served it with Sesame salad. Then today for lunch I made myself a pasty!

Now, until recently I had never heard of a pasty before. Had no idea what it was but it kept making appearance in this book I'm reading American Gods. It seems to be some sort of British food. After some research, I discovered these guys who did a pretty good job at breaking it down for me. Anyway, I decided to whip one up with cheese and onion and it wasn't bad at all.

I was really hoping to start work this week. You know, with my silly tax lien! Grrr. Well, I told Tj I was going to be broke for a little bit. I"m sure things will be fine. They always are.

Now I have to go finish that book. It's due tomorrow. There's monologue from it I want to post here. Hopefully I'll feel like typing it out later

scullerymaid at 2:12 p.m.

pots | pans