January 26, 2006


It's probable that I'll go to college out of state. I mean, there seems to be no culinary schools in state, so I really don't have any other options. But I don't know if I want to go out of state. Sure, the idea is intrigueing, but actually going may not be. I'll be away from my friends and family. I'd make new friends hopefully, but even though I don't get homesickness anymore and always talk about leaving when I'm 18, doesn't mean I really want to.

Sometimes I'm not even sure if I want to be a chef. That's why I'm not taking the ASVAAB at school, which is a military sponsered aptitude test. 1. I don't want the army knocking on the door trying to recruit me. 2. I don't need to be influenced by some other career. I already have enough picked out.

scullerymaid at 8:48 p.m.

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