July 22, 2005

Fear is Fear


A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger; A feeling of disquiet or apprehension; Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a supreme power; A reason for dread or apprehension.

It seems there are many definitions for fear. Here are mine...

Fear- loneliness
Fear- becoming a spinster that has never known love
Fear- getting divorced
Fear- having handicapped kids
Fear- not being able to have kids and the look on my husband's face
Fear- dying while giving birth
Fear- painful death
Fear- people that look at me and see what I'm not
Fear- failure
Fear- heights
Fear- spiders
Fear- roller coasters
Fear- planes
Fear- criticism
Fear- friendship
Fear- those closest to me
Fear- addiction
Fear- disease

I also fear the world, even though I can't wait to enter it. But then the only reliance I'll have is myself.

So, I sit in my chair and look at all these things I fear, some serious and some not, and I remember that others have the same fears as me.

"If fear is what I am made of, then I fear myself."

scullerymaid at 6:48 p.m.

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