October 18, 2017


I'm a little disappointed in myself. I've been doing keto, successfully I might add, for a month. And it really has been going very well. My sugars have been balanced and under control. I lost seven pounds. I was practicing a healthy form of fasting and had a decreased appetite. I mean, even if we went out I was still sticking to keto. I felt very accomplished. Then this weekend happened. Brian's sister got married, and we pretty much spent the whole weekend at his parents' house preparing and participating in that. And now we're still at his parents' house sitting because they went up to Maine for the week. And I have not been sticking to keto and my body feels shitty about it and I just feel like a shitty person because I was doing so well and actively chose to not worry about it this weekend because everything would be just fine come Monday. Well, here is is Tuesday and I'm still not back on my keto train and I really do just feel disappointed in myself. I ate a piece of pie and a slice of pizza and a Reese's cup and now I'm way over my carb intake for the day, as I was yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before. It's not like I had a cheat meal, I had five whole fucking cheat days. And now I have guilt feelings associated with food and I don't want to have a negative relationship with food because I've never considered myself to have a negative relationship with food, even when I was extremely overweight. I don't like these feelings at all and really want to get back on track tomorrow.

How frustrating. And now I just want another piece of pie.

scullerymaid at 12:22 a.m.

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