January 05, 2016

Grumpy what if

I'm grumpy. I'm trying not to be, but I am nonetheless. This is mostly due to the fact that I'm slightly under the weather. Not enough to be snuggled up in bed all day, but enough to feel annoyed by everything and everyone. And, I'm hungry... which doesn't help. In an effort to save money and easy better, I've decided to stop eating out and prepare my meals at home. This week, I made a very nice chicken and wild rice soup. I like it, I really do! But after three servings I'm already done and it's only Tuesday. Pah! What I'd do for dinner chicken nuggets. Or what I'd even do to not eat soup. It flurried pretty well this morning and not even that put me in the mood for soup. Double pah! Bit my wallet and hopefully my waistline will be all the happier for it.

As usual, I spend a lot of time thinking about Brian and how much I really enjoy our relationship. Sunday, we ran errands and I kept thinking how much I'd like to run errands with him every Sunday until I draw my last breath. Then an awful thought popped into my head. What if he doesn't want to run errands with me until his last breath... Which just means now I've gone and made myself paranoid that he'll never love me. I wouldn't put those words in someone's mouth, but I'd b like to think he is very fond of me, especially with how close I've felt to him over the holidays. But now there's that terrible what if floating around my thoughts. Banish those thoughts now!

I'm quite frustrated with work. Hopefully, that's just from being sick too. Maybe I'm just feeling restless in general. Who knows.

scullerymaid at 3:26 p.m.

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