August 31, 2015

That sucked, but it could have been worse

So I took the GRE yesterday. It was pretty much what I expected, so I don't know why it's taken me so long to finally take it. It really wasn't all that different from the SAT, though I didn't really like how they formatted the math section. But overall it was okay. I don't know how well I did because I decided not to report my scores since I don't have any schools to report to yet, so I guess I'll have to wait a couple weeks to see what those scores actually are. I don't feel as confident about them as I would like to feel, but maybe I'll get lucky enough not to have to take it again. Fingers crossed!

Brian was really sweet. He offered to drive me since the test was being proctored in an area of town I'm not too familiar with. Then he picked me up after. It was really nice. He commented how if he were taking the test, he would have preferred to go alone, but I myself found it comforting. So I was very grateful.

I'm not sure If I've mentioned this before or not, but I feel like we're finally getting to a point where we're super comfortable with each other. You know, where when I come over he doesn't feel like he has to entertain me. Last night was rather nice because I did some laundry while he was playing his PS4, then I sat on the couch with him and watched some Buffy on his little wii player thing. So he was doing his thing, I was doing my thing, and we were able to do them separately, but together. That's just how I like things. Then he convinced me to play some Mario with him. I'm really bad at video games. Always have been, don't really care enough to improve. But it was fun playing together.

Next week SB will be on town with her husband for Labor Day. I'm hoping the four of us can meet up so that I can finally introduce him to come of my friends. We'll see!

scullerymaid at 3:49 p.m.

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