April 15, 2015

Still late

Also, my period is super super late. My tracker told me I would be starting March 25, but I usually start around the first so I wasn't too nervous. But here it is the 15th and nothing. I know I already took a test last week, but what if it was wrong? What if I didn't follow the directions properly? Janet says I should do another one tomorrow morning and go get a blood test. But my tracker also says I'm supposed to start this weekend, so maybe I should give it until Monday. If I were pregnant, it's not like I'd terminate it, so what's a few extra days?

My step-mom keeps telling me I'm just stressed, which is true, but I'm generally stressed and my period has been like clockwork for a number of years now. Even when it's late, it's no more than a day or two.

Can you imagine? This would be the absolute worst timing.

scullerymaid at 11:06 a.m.

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