March 26, 2015

Stuffed crust

So I think I was a little rude to my roommate last night, and now I feel bad about it. She ordered us pizza for dinner. Awesome. But she's been so sick that she hasn't gone into work all week. And she's just been rubbing herself all over the house, possibly spreading her sickness. I'm serious. I can feel the germs crowding in. So I asked if I could get my slices first so that she doesn't touch them all...and I immediately regretted it. She said it was fine, but I felt like my request had upset her. Maybe it didn't, but I'm sure it did. I just can't afford to get sick. I have no more PTO and I can't exactly NOT get paid.

Oh well. Reading into things too much, I'm sure. Anyway, recently I've been quite torn. Everyone and their mother is trying to talk me into leaving Norfolk. SB wants me to move back to Richmond, which would be nice. I've talked about it for years. I'd be so close to good friends and family to boot. Then Chicago has been thrown at me a few times. It's an appealing idea. Hop on a plane and don't look back. Then Popeguy called me the other day and expressed how much he missed me, missed living with me, wished I would come be he roommate in Seattle. I'm not a West Coast girl. I think I've made that rather clear, oh but how great it would be to be reunited with Popeguy. For him to actually make such a request and not for me to just follow him blindly into the world as I always have. But how I loathe the West. No family. Only my best friend (which is still better than my current situation probably). Anyway, so many options, who knows what to do. Lord knows I should leave. Otherwise I'll love TJ until I'm deep in the ground.

I've been trying to eat low carb and have been failing miserably. Carbs are cheap. Hopefully going to the gym regularly again will help balance my carb intake. I don't have the money to buy test strips because they are no longer covered, so I haven't been able to test my blood. Hopefully it's doing okay.

scullerymaid at 9:13 a.m.

pots | pans