October 29, 2014

Fish on hooks

I don't think you understand. You don't understand what it does to me every time we break up. We break up because of you. Because you aren't capable of forming an emotional bond. You can't love so I let you leave. Then you leave and always always come crawling back, only to start the song all over again. I don't think you understand what this does to me, because if you understood how painful it is each and every time, you wouldn't dare do it. But here we are. I can feel the song ending, the notes fading, and I'm trying to brace myself for repeat.

I wish you understood me. I wish you didn't drag me along in your twisted game. I'm invested and will fight till my bones are dust in the grave. But you don't have to come back. You don't have to keep ruining with false hope and insincere promises that never have and never will mean anything.

You know, I wish I could just leave. I wish I was the one that could walk out the door. But every time I think about it and make the first step, you reel me back in like a fat fish on a hook. I love you and hate you for it.

scullerymaid at 12:09 p.m.

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