August 16, 2014

Applied Linguistics

So, I think I mentioned I was applying to teaching positions. No word yet, but it takes time so I'm not focusing on it too much. In other news, I think I found a grad program I might actually be interested in applying for. It's in Applied Linguistics with an emphasis on sociolinguistics and a certificate in TESOL. For six more classes, I can also get a certificate in Literature, which will allow me to teach at the college level in the state of Virginia. I think this is a good place to start, especially now that I'm thinking about education as a career. Now I just have to get to it, take/pass the GRE, and get accepted. Oh, and figure out how to afford life while in school. That's the scary part. I barely live off what I'm making now. How am I going to survive off only 20 grand a year...if I even get awarded that much!

I hate money...

scullerymaid at 2:17 p.m.

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