July 12, 2014


Janet and I have embarked on the crazy diet known as Omnitrition. I say it's crazy because it restricts your calorie intake. And when I say, restricts I mean restricts. Basically, we're starving ourselves while taking these drops. But I'm very proud to say that I've cheated 4 times this week and still managed to lose pounds in five days. Ten pounds if you count my most recent heaviest weight. Needless to say, I'm going to continue cheating when it suites me. And I'm also never agreeing to diet again. But i must admit I'm at least not eating out as much as I usually do and I'm encouraged to get back in the kitchen. My poor food is dangerously neglected. I"m surprised they haven't deleted my account!

In other news, I've swallowed my pride as always and made peace with my newest roommate. I don't think I ever got into the details of what happened, but she disrespected and offended me in the highest manner possible and it takes a lot to get that kind of reaction out of me. But I was tired of the tension in my home, so I let it go. I'm so tired of always being the bigger person. I feel like no one else has the same sense of decorum or honor that I have, which only makes me sound snobbish, doesn't it...But if I get into a tift with someone, I always apologize. Always always. No one ever tells me sorry and my feelings are often hurt the most. But I swallow it. I always swallow it.

I can't wait to live on my own again. Just me, Pacha, and Whiskey in a little house somewhere away from all this misery. I wish I could live out in the country again. Just to ease my mind for awhile.

I'm hungry. I think today will involve another cheat.

scullerymaid at 3:26 p.m.

pots | pans