November 04, 2012


I'm a social networker, despite my claims of being ignorant. Aside from Diaryland, I have Facebook, Pinterest, Wordpress, and have been fiddling with the ideas of Tumblr and Twitter. Without being obsessive with it all, social networking is a decent way to see what's up with the world I suppose and to let the world know what's up with me. And for the most part, I do don't any bashing. I'm not all that dramatic of a person, even with all the sour turns life is taking at the moment. But this morning I did post a status today that may or may not have had a hint of ranting in it toward the end. I said something along the lines of "que mierdita" which means "what a little shit!"

Well, my grandfather's brother whom I've never met left a comment that i really appreciated. He does stuff like that all the time on my Facebook. I really hope to meet him one day. His comment went as follows:

A little mierdita now and then makes the flowers grow. Look at it as fertilizer to bring forth beauty into your life.

What a saying! It literally made me burst out into laughter. Words of a wise old man, huh?

scullerymaid at 2:27 p.m.

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