August 20, 2012


After a long weekend, I resumed my workout today. On Pinterest I have a fitness board and every week day I try to do something different, though it still usually includes my jumping jacks, crunches, squats, and push ups. Well, today I clicked on my link to CrossFit Mamas, a blog run by a mom who practices CrossFit. Some serious stuff, man! I've heard of CrossFit before but never bothered to actually check out what it was. It's intense! That's what is is. But I like it. It's a relatively short workout, about 20 minutes, and my heart is pounding.

Maybe I'll stick with this for the rest of the week. Everyday they post a new workout, which is rather convenient if I do say so myself.

As much as I adore Math for thinking my weight is normal and that I'm a curvy little hottie (lol), I'm determined to get into shape. I'm starting my third consecutive week of working out at least four days. I totally got this haha. Now, if only I could eat a little healthier. But that's going to have to wait until I have some more money in my wallet. Eating healthy is expensive when compared to a bowl of cereal or some ramen. Heck, I could live off Spaghetti all week for 5 bucks!


scullerymaid at 3:02 p.m.

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