August 07, 2012

A little hope I guess

Do you know what one of the main reasons I quit my job was? Because they worked me and worked me and worked me everyday and I got no money to show for it. Instead of giving me nice long hours that pay, they would give me short little hours everyday which would skimp me a proper paycheck. It makes me so angry. I just checked my direct deposit and I'm like $200 short of what I would've made if they didn't work me the way they did.

Thank God my student loans just consolidated today otherwise I would be paying half my check towards that. I think I did a little dance when I saw that they had finally consolidated all my student loans together. I applied for it over a month ago. Now it'll be so much easier to pay back. At least, I think they are consolidated. That's what the one site said but at the other site the payment was the same so I'm a little wary, but I'm still excited about the whole thing! Phew!

scullerymaid at 10:47 a.m.

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