June 29, 2012

Of dirt bikes and men

Oh, TJ! How thou driveth me crazy! Seriously, that man! Haha, he's the strangest person I've ever had the pleasure to meet.

I'm pretty sure I forgot to mention that my computer bit the dust. So TJ, the computer whiz that he is, bought me a new hard drive (to me protesting mind you!). Then yesterday he insisted on buying the domain name for my cooking blog. Fortunately, I managed to explain to him that I was going to buy it and he was not to spend a cent. Then he went on about how cheap it is to register a domain to which I replied price was not the issue. Now, he's been looking at dirt bikes. He already has a dirt bike. A decently nice one, too. He wants to buy ME a dirt bike and I don't think there's any talking him out of it once he gets his money saved up. He's ridiculous.

I tried to explain to him how all his spending money on me while I can't even afford to order take-out is making me uncomfortable. If I can't afford it myself, he shouldn't be buying it! I can't remember what he said but I'm sure it involved the words shut up.

As annoying as it is, it's still sweet and I do appreciate what he does. It shows me that some part of him does care. Now if only that part of him was a little more vocal. I'd take a good cuddle over a new hard drive any day!

scullerymaid at 10:46 a.m.

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