June 15, 2012


Math keeps calling me up because she's moving tomorrow and would like to enlist my help. I don't mind helping, really I don't, but that's a lot of driving on my car and I really don't want to push my luck. I have a serious oil leak, some faulty sensors, and my engine light is on (hopefully just for the sensors). I really have no business driving my baby long distances until I can afford to get her checked out...which is going to take a little bit of time.

I haven't decided how to break it to her. A part of me wants to just say that no one offered to help me move. I did it all my self and then TJ and his brother loaded up his truck. but then again I didn't ask for help either. Either way, the only way I'll be able to help is to ask to borrow TJ's car and I'd rather not do that. Or ask him to come too, but tomorrow is his sleep in day.


scullerymaid at 12:44 p.m.

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