April 30, 2012


So today, thanks to my cousin's blog/tumblr/whaterveryouwannacallit, I discovered Laci Green. Go check her out. As someone who is sex-positive and believes in the importance of sexual education, I think the work she does is pretty great.

It's not that easy to talk to your parents about sex. Sometimes they don't want to talk about it, sometimes you don't want to talk about it, and sometimes the subject is just plain taboo. It's easy for miscommunication to occur, feelings to burst, and awkwardness to ensue.

School isn't the easiest place to talk about sex either. I remember having to go to sex ed classes. Not as fun and educational as it might seem. The most vivid memory I have of sex ed was in 10th grade (though it might have been 11th). The boys and girls were separated into adjacent classrooms, even though our educator was still male. A girl raised her hand and asked him about anal. He basically told her that the ass -ahem- anus is a muscle and should not be penetrated because it will stretch out....and basically make you shit all over yourself. That's real education right there. Also, learning in a classroom environment like that can at times be uncomfortable. Some people are having sex, some aren't. People feel embarrassed about revealing certain things and others are boastful. In most cases, the whole session turns into a joke. People are laughing about a subject and not really learning anything except that penises are bad, abstinence is good, and no we will not be putting condoms on bananas.

That's what I remember about sex ed. Oh, and my best friend passed out when my fourth grade teacher explained the joys of the menstrual cycle to us.

Anyway, so I find Laci Green to be quite refreshing. I've only watched a few videos thus far so I am by no means a LG (lol) expert, but I like what she's doing and what she has to say. Most of her viewers are between the ages of 13-17 and I wish when I was that age I had a resource like this to help answer some of the questions I used to have. I was a little wary when I watch my first video "you can't pop a cherry." I am well aware of the "hymen" debate, and sometimes I just don't like getting into. Anatomically speaking, the hymen is a flap of skin that never actually gets popped as they say but rather stretched about a bit yada yada yada- I did say I don't feel like getting into that right now. Anyway, I actually enjoyed the video and that was that.

I did some research, and found out that LG is working for planned parenthood, which kind of sparked this entry because as someone that is unemployed, I think it would be awesome to work for planned parenthood. Maybe.

When I became sexually active, I felt the need to be educated to an extent of paranoia, if I'm honest about it, and became a walking sex encyclopedia for my friends haha. So as someone interested in sex ed, sexual expression and freedom, and protection in general, I think it would be cool to have a job like that. Knowledge is power, right?

Okay. well, that's all I guess. Lacigreen.tv (no, I didn't make it into a link)

scullerymaid at 3:23 p.m.

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