March 29, 2012


I don't think I mentioned this, but a few weeks ago I ordered Zumba to try and jump kick my activity level. I'm not really a lounge on the couch all day type of person, but I could definitely be a little more active. Anyway, so I ordered it...and it never came. I don't know exactly what happened(I'm still investigating), but I'm pretty sure it's not coming in. So I reordered it from a different company and it's expected to be here by tomorrow. I sure hope so!

I've heard lots of good things about zumba. I hope I like it. Jillian Michaels gets so boring after awhile.

Oh, and I'm ashamed to say that I'm jealous of a cat. My boyfriend interacts with that cat of his more than he does with me. Hmph!

scullerymaid at 6:22 p.m.

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