January 13, 2012

Reason and intuition

Reason offers us many possibilities at one; intuition infallibly chooses the best...especially in matters of the heart.

My cousin sent me that quote a long long time ago. I hope my intuition isn't broken. Is that possible? Maybe I should start ignoring him. Why should I answer his calls and texts if he doesn't know what he wants or is too craven to take it?

Usually on fridays I work in the morning and then spend the evening with him and his friends. But this week I seem to be closing every day, so I haven't seen him since tuesday. Not bad really. It's probably a good thing considering all the time we do spend together. But there's a bit of bad blood threatening to surface. I bet he doesn't even feel it though he's the cause of it. I hate bad blood. Nothing good ever comes of it. But I either have to face him full or keep swallowing my feelings, huh? Maybe I'll see him tomorrow. Or maybe I'll wait til sunday. I might even be so bold not to go until monday. What's another couple days? And I only have enough gas for one visit anyway. I should choose my day wisely.

I'm so tired of always thinking about him, of hi always messaging me. Grrr

And I still need to reply to Mendez about being her research slave. I don't think I want to take it and it's been almost a week since I got her email. And I need to call my aunt. Why do I always let these thing pile up?

I really don't want to work tonight. I used to prefer working nights, but I think days are more my cup of tea now. I'm not sure if it's the hours I prefer or the people though. Perhaps I should change my availability.

scullerymaid at 2:27 p.m.

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