October 26, 2011

Paper moon

Yesterday must have been a day for fighting. First Popeguy and then TJ.

He told me to come over at 7. That's when he planned on returning with Thomas from Pennsylvania. That's what he told me the day before he left, that's what he told me at 10 in the morning when he left, and that's what he told me after being on the road for a few hours despite getting a little lost in Northeastern PA and accidently driving toward Ohio instead of Delaware. So around 6 I packed up my stuff and paused to shoot him a text before leaving. He didn't respond, but he's not one to text and drive so I didn't find anything abnormal about that and headed out anyway. I beat him to him place and texted him again to say I was going to grab some grub since he was running late. He said he probably wouldn't be in until 8. Okay, no big deal. That was only an hour away and I wanted to eat anyway. Then he pushed it back to 9.

This is where I started getting suspiscious. It doesn't take 11 hours to drive to VA from PA, even if a couple idiots get a little lost. The real bell chimed when he confided in me that they were in Richmond and the gps said they wouldn't get back until 1:30. I'm from fucking Richmond, and it does not take four hours to get to Norfolk from there even with a little bit of traffic, and at 9 o'clock at night there isn't traffic running through Richmond. So I asked what's up and he said they were lost. I then reminded him I was from that area and he confessed that they had stopped at Paper Moon, a strip club in Richmond, and what they had intended to be no more than an hour's stop turned into three hours.

I was fucking pissed. I know that it was Thomas' idea. Maybe TJ was just along for the ride. That's fine. I don't even care that they went to a strip club. Hell, I wouldn't mind going just for the experience. What ticked me the fuck off was the fact that he had a need to lie to me about it. He should've known that I wouldn't care. I"m too laid back for that kind of petty drama with him. What was so hard about saying that they wanted to stop for some brother comradery and I should come either later aor hang out tomorrow. Seriosuly, instead of waiting I could have gone out with Math or cleaned my room or did something other than fucking waiting. Why did he lie about it? What need was there for these lies? And then he spent the next hour and half updating me on how close they were to Norfolk and I almost bit his head off because I didn't care to know. But I refrained because I'd already blown up a little on him and I planned on ripping him a new ass when he got back.

When the two of them pulled up in the van, drunk off beer, I plopped myself in the backseat while they unpacked TJ's stuff. He didn't approach me at first, but then he tried to touch me when it was time to take Thomas home and I told him he might want to wait for the lovey dovey stuff. Thomas, the jokester that he is kept repeating how lost they got. Then he asked me to sniff him because the bathroom attendent at the club had sprayed the both of them. And indeed, they did stink. I pitied him for having to go home and face Wendi. She is the jealous type.

After we dropped him off, the two of us headed to his parents' house to exchange the van for TJ's car. As soon as we were alone he kept mumbling how it wasn't his fault and he wasn't going to say a word. And that's when I went off. It wasn't really a big explosion as much as little burst of hot steam flowing out of me, waiting to combat his excuses. He told me I shouldn't have come so early and then waited, and I told him he should have just been honest with me from the get go. Overall, I think it was a really good talk. It was the first time I was pissed off enough to actually furiously yell at him and let him know he was in the wrong, and he took it and agreed with me. He felt so guilty.

And that was it. Then he took my hand while we were driving and I was pretty satisfied with the arguement. We went to his parents' house, I said hello to his dad who was a little shocked to see me (since, you know, TJ had stopped bringing me around) and then we walked back down the drive, still holding hands. He even kissed me at every stoplight. And of course, the shower and then cuddling in his cold house made up for his misjudgment. All I want is his affection and honesty. it's hard to stay mad when I have those things.

That doesn't mean I'm not a little irked, but I've learned that holding grudges only stirs around bitterness and guilt and I don't have space in my life for those unpleasantries.

scullerymaid at 12:45 p.m.

pots | pans