October 18, 2011


I almost forgot! Zach was just checking up on me for old times sake. Even though we haven't spoken in months, he's overseas, and he deleated me from his facebook, he wanted to catch up. Maybe he's lonely over there. Or maybe he actually thinks of me from time to time. Either way, I'm not sure how much I actually want to talk to him. Not that I have hard feelings or anything. I'm glad he messaged me though. I've been tempted to message him after the way we left off with no goodbyes. I'm glad he reached out first.

Apparently he assumed I didn't want anything to do with him and decided to erase me from his life.

It's not that I didn't want anything to do with him. It's more of a I didn't want to be left with a sore heart once he was deployed. He only ever wanted friendship anyway.

Maybe. We'll be pen pals haha. Wouldn't that be a laugh!

scullerymaid at 1:21 p.m.

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