December 08, 2005

Falling off the wagon

I'm falling so far behind and I don't understand it. I said I wouldn't stress over my grades, but it's getting to the point where I need to. Sure, I still have B's, but I see those B's very easily turning into C's and I can't let that happen.

Maybe there's just too much going on right now:

1. Mom and Dad separated

2. Cousin moved in

3. Exams are fast approaching

4. I still have to go Christmas shopping

5. The house is so messy, if social services came in Squirt and I would be in foster care so fast, it's truly not funny.

I don't know. Everything's happening too fast for me and I just can't keep up. The house is so icky, I can't motivate myself to do my work.

Tomorrow I have two tests and I haven't even studied. And I'm too tired to study. I was hoping it would snow so we wouldn't have school, but it's only snowing in the northern part of the state. I'm hoping that over Christmas break I can get more organized. There's just not enough time during the weekends to get everything together.

And even if I felt like studying, Cousin is sleeping on my couch and i can't study with her right there. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to sleep!

Oh, and I have Spanish homework, but I have no clue what it is. My teacher never announces it, but has it written in the corner of the board and I always forget to look. Great. There's another zero for me.

What happened to the girl with all the A's?

scullerymaid at 9:30 p.m.

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