August 16, 2005

The 'I Hate School' Club... I'm the President

Be warned! I'm about to angrily rant...

I went to school today for laptop training day (yes, my school has laptops; no, juniors don't have to train, thankfully). So, before I got my laptop (isn't it ridiculous that schools have laptops? Sometimes they're handy, but usually they're just a hassle) I had to get my schedule.

I don't like my schedule:

Class- Teacher
Bussiness Mgmt/ Financing- T

English 11 Honors- R

Spanish 3 Honors- Ms. C

AP US History- Mr. G

Chemistry Honors- M

Algebra 2- S

Piano- (?)

Okay, that's my schedule. I don't even know if most of my teachers are female or male! I had Mr. G last year though, and I like him. Ms. C was head of Spanish Club. Let's just say I dropped out of Spanish Club. She is very unorganized. English is slightly disappointing. I was hoping to get Mr. H. Maybe he doesn't teach honors?

Besides not knowing who the rest of my teachers are, the only problem I have is Bussiness Mgmt/Financing. I didn't really want to take that class. I wanted to take either Latin along with Spanish, or Physics along with Chemistry. Sound impossible? Well it's not. A lot of my friends did the double class thing. My only problem was my guidance counselors got switched on me and, leaving me stuck with Mr. M. He wouldn't let me take a double class. I don't see why not! I'm a top student. It's not like I couldn't handle it. And I really wanted those classes because, even though my school is 'the school of technology', they have pretty sucky electives. So I have to deal with the ones I have. I really wish I still had Mrs. R as my counselor. I'm going to see if I can get her back. And I'm going to try and switch Spanish teachers. I want Mrs. MC!

Wish me luck! I'm going to try and do that tomorrow... if mom will take me. (Still don't have my license yet.)

"I was nervous to go to school but ready. Now I'm more nervous and don't want to go"

scullerymaid at 8:08 p.m.

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